TSE003-HC Negotiating in Healthcare and beyond

Course Description

Work (and life) often seems like an endless project negotiation. With everyone. About everything.  Even if we negotiate on a regular basis, for most of us, this is one of the most stressful situations we hope to avoid.  Ask for a raise or advocate for a promotion? Negotiate a contract with a vendor? Get folks on the project team (who really don’t work for you) to do the work? Settle on a vacation destination with a spouse? Get the kids to bed without a fight? Buy a new car? If these are some of the things that cause you to scrummage through the medicine cabinet for an antiacid, you’re in the right place!  In this course, you will learn the tools, techniques, process, and attitude to help you overcome your “fear of the deal” and set you on a path to become a successful (and pain-free!) negotiator!

Upon completion of this workshop, each participant will be able to:

Teaching methods for this course include some lecture and extensive hands-on practice via in-class activities.

Course Outline

"Negotiation 101”

Understanding the Basics:

 "What to Bring to the Table”

Actively shifting mindsets from manipulation to service:

 " Knowledge is Power"

"Getting Down to Brass Tacks"

“Special Circumstances”

Click here to contact us for more details, discounts and enrollment information!